Project description:
Zoning Bylaw 580 has replaced Zoning Bylaw 25, which was originally adopted by Council 35 years ago. The District of Sechelt has undergone significant changes since that time, and time has come to create a new updated zoning bylaw that aligns itself with the District’s core planning documents. These planning documents include the Official Community Plan (OCP) — Bylaw 580 aligns the District’s zoning and land-use regulations with what was approved in the OCP. When staff update the OCP in the future they will make concurrent changes to the zoning bylaw. You can read the OCP in full here:
- Official Community Plan
- Bylaw 580 compared to the OCP: View this interactive map.
We presented to Council on two dates in July, held a Public Hearing in September, and returned to Council for Third Reading and Adoption:
- (Complete) July 6: Engagement Summary
- (Complete) July 20: Bylaw 580 Second Reading
- (Complete) September 8: Public Hearing
- (Complete) September 21: Bylaw 580 Third Reading
- (Complete) October 6: Bylaw 580 Adoption
Join us for a virtual chat and learn or an open house. We understand people have different schedules, so we've lined up a few different options:
- (Complete) May 24: Online via Zoom.
- (Complete) May 25: Online via Zoom.
- (Complete) May 26: In-person at the Seaside Centre. This session will be interactive and have people on-hand to help answer specific questions. Short presentations will take place at 1:30 p.m. & 4:15 p.m.
Project history:
A key goal of the 2009-2011 Council Strategic Plan was to update the OCP, which was accomplished in 2011. The 2012-2014 Strategic Plan included a goal in the ‘Very Short Term’ to re-write the District's affordable housing bylaws. Subsequently the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan highlighted that the District's zoning bylaw would be the priority project for 2016. This fed into the current 2019-2022 Strategic Plan which commits to land use regulatory reform, which includes an updated land use bylaw.
What is a Zoning Bylaw?
A zoning bylaw is a regulatory land use bylaw; it defines land uses and sets parameters for development including type, size, location and density of buildings. Zoning provides areas where uses can and cannot occur and also has a property map highlighting the location of the various zones throughout the District. Planners use the bylaw on a daily basis and regularly interpret and share elements of it with current and future residents of Sechelt. The documents section helps to break down the zoning bylaws and their changes.
*Find links to both the entire proposed Zoning Bylaw 580 and a summary of the proposed bylaw under the documents section on the right hand side of this page.
How is my property zoned?
The link below will open a map feature that lets you zoom in to find your property. You will see two side by side maps: the right side displays the current zoning and the left side displays the proposed zoning. You can view the map here:
Quick Poll
If your property zoning allows for a cottage/carriage house, how likely are you to build one?
This poll has concluded.