Trail Ave Reconstruction

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Consultation has concluded

The Trail Avenue realignment construction and storm sewer work began in December 2020. The work will begin between Ebbtide Street and Neptune Street, and in January crews will move north to begin working between Ebbtide Street and Surf Circle. Later in the spring crews will move south to Cowrie Street.

During construction, drivers and pedestrians are asked to exercise caution and obey the directions of the flaggers. There may be road closures from time to time during construction but every effort will be made to minimize any inconvenience to the traveling public.

The improvements to Trail Avenue include:

  • new storm sewer lines
  • a multiuse pathway on both sides of Trail Ave to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists
  • street lighting
  • pedestrian controlled crossings
  • decorative crosswalks at the Cowrie Street and Dolphin Avenue intersections.

This $6.058 million project is funded through Development Cost Charges (DCC) and District reserve funds with $58,000 from reserve funds with the remainder funded with DCCs.

The bike lanes and pedestrian crossing were features the community spoke in favour of during the two open houses hosted on this project. The District will provide regular updates on the project to social media and the District of Sechelt website. Mayor Darnelda Siegers commented: “Council is very pleased that this project is going forward. Trail Avenue is a key corridor in building active transportation infrastructure. Our community is an extremely active community and often tells us we need more bike lanes."

The Trail Avenue realignment construction and storm sewer work began in December 2020. The work will begin between Ebbtide Street and Neptune Street, and in January crews will move north to begin working between Ebbtide Street and Surf Circle. Later in the spring crews will move south to Cowrie Street.

During construction, drivers and pedestrians are asked to exercise caution and obey the directions of the flaggers. There may be road closures from time to time during construction but every effort will be made to minimize any inconvenience to the traveling public.

The improvements to Trail Avenue include:

  • new storm sewer lines
  • a multiuse pathway on both sides of Trail Ave to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists
  • street lighting
  • pedestrian controlled crossings
  • decorative crosswalks at the Cowrie Street and Dolphin Avenue intersections.

This $6.058 million project is funded through Development Cost Charges (DCC) and District reserve funds with $58,000 from reserve funds with the remainder funded with DCCs.

The bike lanes and pedestrian crossing were features the community spoke in favour of during the two open houses hosted on this project. The District will provide regular updates on the project to social media and the District of Sechelt website. Mayor Darnelda Siegers commented: “Council is very pleased that this project is going forward. Trail Avenue is a key corridor in building active transportation infrastructure. Our community is an extremely active community and often tells us we need more bike lanes."

Consultation has concluded
  • Past Updates

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    02/02/2022 - The remaining lights to be energized are between Dolphin and Cowrie. Existing lights at Trail/Cowrie are scheduled for completion January 28th. The decorative crosswalks require a few days of dry weather for installation.


    09/28/2021 - The Districts contractor is currently paving bottom-lift on Trail Avenue between Spindrift and Neptune Street. The top-lift is tentatively scheduled from Cowrie to Neptune, to be conducted between Friday October 1 and Monday October 4, weather dependent. Any changes will be communicated accordingly.

    Clear detour signs will be posted, and every effort will be made to keep the inconvenience to a minimum. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in completing this important project for Sechelt residents.

    09/23/2021 - We apologize for any confusion this may cause. The Districts Contractor notified us that the asphalt plant has encountered difficulties, and will not be operational until Saturday, September 25th. The paving process is unchanged, and completion south of Cowrie Street is now expected by noon, Saturday September 25th.

    The general contractor has indicated they will take all steps to minimize impact to businesses, the Saturday farmer’s market, and pedestrians.

    The road closures along Trail Avenue are shown in the attached map. Clear detour signs will be posted, and every effort will be made to keep the inconvenience to a minimum. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in completing this important project for Sechelt residents.

    09/22/2021 - The District’s contractor for the Trail Avenue Project, Maycon Construction Management Ltd, will be paving the top layer of asphalt along Trail Avenue from 7am to 4pm on Friday September 24th. There will be road closures during that time. This is the last major step to complete the project in this area and will restore normal traffic flow and increase safety for users of Trail Ave, in the Cowrie Street Area.

    The work will start at Teredo Lane and move along to the north side of Cowrie Street. Paving south of the Cowrie Street Intersection is expected to be completed by noon and will be opened to vehicle traffic shortly thereafter.

    The road closures along Trail Avenue are shown in the attached map. Clear detour signs will be posted, and every effort will be made to keep the inconvenience to a minimum. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in completing this important project for Sechelt residents.

    09/09/2021 - Trail Avenue construction update

    • August 31-Sept 3: Water main connections, paving around maintenance holes, and installation of concrete curb along the east side of Trail Ave

    • Sept 07 – 10 : Asphalt removal and curb installation, between Pebbles Crescent and Neptune Road

    • Sept 13 – 24: Sidewalk and bike lane installation, between Pebbles Crescent and Neptune Road.

    • Sept 27 – Oct 01: Base gravel prep, bottom lift paving under the hydro lines, and top lift paving along the entire Trail Ave corridor from Teredo Lane to Neptune Road.

    • Oct 04 – Oct 08: Pavement markings and project cleanup, weather dependent.

    The project is within revised budget allocation, including the budget for the maintenance hole replacement and dry sewer forcemain installation; however, the project is behind schedule. TELUS undergrounding has caused a two-month delay, an archaeological site alteration permit caused an additional three-month delay. This project is expected to be completed by September 30th. Thank you for your patience.

    08/23/2021 - Trail Ave closure:

    As we get closer and closer to completion of this project there are some closures and delays ahead. On the following dates crews will be working on utilities and maintenance hole replacements. Paving and project completion is anticipated for late October. We appreciate your patience! And as always, please obey flaggers and drive slowly in construction zones.

    • Trail Ave will be closed to the traffic from Wednesday to Friday, August 25th to August 27th.
    • Wednesday, August 25th: Total road closure to traffic between Mermaid St and Dolphin Street.
    • Thursday, August 26th: Total road closure to traffic between Mermaid Street and Medusa Street.
    • Friday, August 27th: Total road closure to traffic between Dolphin Street and Spindrift Street.

    08/16/2021 - BC Hydro is currently relocating the junction box in front of the dog park. As part of this work, the sidewalk on the north side of Ebbtide, between Trail Ave and the Sechelt Marsh will be closed until Thursday August 19. The installation of this unit will necessitate the removal of some of the concrete sidewalk panels. These will be reinstalled in early September. Additional works will be completed to the dog park at the same time.

    04/06/2021 - Construction of Trail Avenue has resumed and is expected to be completed by the end of September. This includes BC Hydro undergrounding between Pebble Crescent and Neptune Avenue, completion of the sidewalks and bike lanes, paving, and streetlights. As a result, Proctor Bike Park will be temporarily closed until the end of August, 2021. Trail Avenue, between Pebble Crescent and Neptune Avenue, will be temporarily closed to traffic as needed, between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. during construction. A well signed detour, complete with traffic control personnel, will be made available as per the below map. Weekly construction updates will be posted to the District website and social media.

    02/26/2021 - Delays due to Fortis BC Permitting, and TELUS undergrounding. The District is currently working with these service providers.

    Construction is expected to resume in the third week of March.

    Multiple options for the use of the material at Hackett Park are being explored, including spreading and seeding the material, or use of it as terraces for an amphitheater for the future stage. Any excess materials will be further screened, and removed from the site.