The Trail Avenue realignment construction and storm sewer work began in December 2020. The work will begin between Ebbtide Street and Neptune Street, and in January crews will move north to begin working between Ebbtide Street and Surf Circle. Later in the spring crews will move south to Cowrie Street.

During construction, drivers and pedestrians are asked to exercise caution and obey the directions of the flaggers. There may be road closures from time to time during construction but every effort will be made to minimize any inconvenience to the traveling public.

The improvements to Trail Avenue include:

  • new storm sewer lines
  • a multiuse pathway on both sides of Trail Ave to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists
  • street lighting
  • pedestrian controlled crossings
  • decorative crosswalks at the Cowrie Street and Dolphin Avenue intersections.

This $6.058 million project is funded through Development Cost Charges (DCC) and District reserve funds with $58,000 from reserve funds with the remainder funded with DCCs.

The bike lanes and pedestrian crossing were features the community spoke in favour of during the two open houses hosted on this project. The District will provide regular updates on the project to social media and the District of Sechelt website. Mayor Darnelda Siegers commented: “Council is very pleased that this project is going forward. Trail Avenue is a key corridor in building active transportation infrastructure. Our community is an extremely active community and often tells us we need more bike lanes."
