Transportation Master Plan

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What could Sechelt look like for walkers, joggers, cyclists, drivers etc in 20 years?

The District of Sechelt is creating a new Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The TMP will guide how we plan and prioritize for our community's growing and changing transportation needs over the next 20 years. This plan will keep Sechelt moving now and into the future!

Here, the word "Transportation" encompasses both:

  • active transportation (human-powered ways of getting around), and
  • traditional transportation methods (vehicles).

We need your help! Activities on this page will include a review of transportation within Sechelt, including vehicle and bicycle driving lanes, sidewalks, trails, and paths adjacent to roadways, transit service, goods movement, and parking.


Thoughtfully connecting our community in an inclusive, inviting and sustainable way.

Goals & Objective

The goal of the TMP is to help the transportation network better support the day-to-day activity of the community by improving transportation options, accessibility and connectivity between our neighbourhoods. The objective of the TMP will address current needs of Sechelt, promote healthy lifestyles, accommodate population growth and provide opportunities to reduce our reliance on cars, where appropriate.

The TMP will be informed by the previous studies and plans including the existing Official Community Plan (2010) and TMP (2009) as well as input from stakeholders and the community, industry best practices, transportation and mobility data and feedback from the District.

Community Advisory Group

Several members of the community stepped up to be part of a TMP Community Advisory Group, representing a wide variety of demographics, ages and abilities. The provided on-the-ground experience and knowledge, and will be invited to provide input into the final draft as well. We are greatful for their lived experiences and passion about transportation in Sechelt.

Ways to provide feedback

Phase 1 feedback has concluded. Thank you to all who have provided their input!

A crucial part of this plan is gathering public feedback and generating ideas. What matters most to you when it comes to how you move around Sechelt? What kinds of transportation would you prefer to take in Sechelt? These are just some of the questions we are asking. There are lots of ways you can provide ideas, such as using the tools below:

  1. Share an idea on a virtual sticky note
  2. Answer the question in the quick poll
  3. Check out the interactive map and place a pin on areas that you think we should focus on, or areas where you think a path etc should be
  4. Join the Community Advisory Group - email us to join.

Thank you in advance for contributing and following along on this envisioning journey with us!


Miss the kick-off info meeting on May 12, 2022? Watch the recording here.

What could Sechelt look like for walkers, joggers, cyclists, drivers etc in 20 years?

The District of Sechelt is creating a new Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The TMP will guide how we plan and prioritize for our community's growing and changing transportation needs over the next 20 years. This plan will keep Sechelt moving now and into the future!

Here, the word "Transportation" encompasses both:

  • active transportation (human-powered ways of getting around), and
  • traditional transportation methods (vehicles).

We need your help! Activities on this page will include a review of transportation within Sechelt, including vehicle and bicycle driving lanes, sidewalks, trails, and paths adjacent to roadways, transit service, goods movement, and parking.


Thoughtfully connecting our community in an inclusive, inviting and sustainable way.

Goals & Objective

The goal of the TMP is to help the transportation network better support the day-to-day activity of the community by improving transportation options, accessibility and connectivity between our neighbourhoods. The objective of the TMP will address current needs of Sechelt, promote healthy lifestyles, accommodate population growth and provide opportunities to reduce our reliance on cars, where appropriate.

The TMP will be informed by the previous studies and plans including the existing Official Community Plan (2010) and TMP (2009) as well as input from stakeholders and the community, industry best practices, transportation and mobility data and feedback from the District.

Community Advisory Group

Several members of the community stepped up to be part of a TMP Community Advisory Group, representing a wide variety of demographics, ages and abilities. The provided on-the-ground experience and knowledge, and will be invited to provide input into the final draft as well. We are greatful for their lived experiences and passion about transportation in Sechelt.

Ways to provide feedback

Phase 1 feedback has concluded. Thank you to all who have provided their input!

A crucial part of this plan is gathering public feedback and generating ideas. What matters most to you when it comes to how you move around Sechelt? What kinds of transportation would you prefer to take in Sechelt? These are just some of the questions we are asking. There are lots of ways you can provide ideas, such as using the tools below:

  1. Share an idea on a virtual sticky note
  2. Answer the question in the quick poll
  3. Check out the interactive map and place a pin on areas that you think we should focus on, or areas where you think a path etc should be
  4. Join the Community Advisory Group - email us to join.

Thank you in advance for contributing and following along on this envisioning journey with us!


Miss the kick-off info meeting on May 12, 2022? Watch the recording here.

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Interactive Map

about 2 years

Place a pin on the map to let us know your ideas! 

Click on + button and place a pin on the map where you'd like to discuss one of the transportation topics.

Page last updated: 24 Apr 2024, 09:52 AM