Renovation and remediation work to the South wall of Municipal Hall and the Library are beginning.


Our Parks crews will begin prepping the site by:

  • removing benches
  • pruning or removing plants and trees
  • cutting back the wisteria outside the library (not to worry, this plant grows quickly).

The removed benches, plants and trees will be stored and put back once ready.

To accomodate an on-site work trailer and waste bin, the parking stalls (including one handicap stall) facing the small shady grass area will be closed of to the public.

Scaffolding and fencing will be installed along the south elevation of the building, but no access will be blocked. Throughout October, the siding will be removed.


Details of the project include:

  • replacing the windows and the doors
  • removing and replacing the siding
  • applying a rainscreen

All businesses will be open during construction.


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