Homei Sechelt (Laurel) Limited Partnership has revised the original Van Ke subdivision application from 66 lots to 99 lots. The lot layout and road network have been revised along with the increase in proposed lots.
The application still proposes an extension to the sanitary sewer line from Sechelt along the highway and up Nestman Road to serve the property. The owner has petitioned Council to create a new sewer service area for the property and future lot owners. Council has endorsed this petition and staff will be preparing the necessary bylaws. At this time it would only serve the subject property.
The Havies/Nestman Roads Sanitary Sewer Local Area Service Establishment Bylaw No. 609, 2022 for the Homei development received three readings at the July 20, 2022 Council meeting. There are petition and notification requirements that need to be completed before this bylaw can be considered for adoption by Council.
Development Permit 2022-17 was approved by Council at the August 3, 2022 meeting.