Update: Council passed the 2024 Budget on May 8, 2024.
The District of Sechelt Council passed the 2024 budget on May 8, 2024. The budget includes a 7.71% property tax increase with 4.71% of this going to operations and the remaining 3% to capital reserves. For the average residential property valued at $994,039 that will be a property tax increase of $218. Continue reading news release here
It's budget time and the District of Sechelt is currently planning projects and services for 2024. Each year staff prepare an annual operating and capital budget for Council to consider. We want your feedback on where the District should spend tax dollars, and ideas on how to balance the budget, while still maintaining core services and programs to meet the needs of residents and businesses.
The Financial Plan, or Budget, pays for the services provided by the District of Sechelt, including bylaw enforcement, parks, festivals and cultural programs, and much more. The budget must also fund the capital expenses, including, for example, public facilities and roadwork. Only the services most needed by our residents are maintained and improved where necessary.
Like any household or business, the municipality is challenged with increased costs when developing the annual budget. Unlike households or businesses, local governments must balance the budget and are not permitted to run a deficit.
How to get involved and share your feedback
- Complete the survey by Sunday, October 1, 2023. (Enter to win a $25 gift certificate for completing)
- Contact the Mayor and Council directly to provide feedback via Mayor and Council email
- Attend an Online Public Information session (noted below)
- Attend and share at a Council budget meeting this winter
- Share these opportunities with your communities
Your feedback will be collected and presented to Council in a public report later this year.
Please see version 2 of the 2024 Provisional Budget. Most, if not all pages have been replaced in the version 2. All Committee of the Whole recommendations are included in the Draft 2024 Provisional Budget Version 2 including an 8.48% Property Tax increase a 12.5% increase to Solid Waste fees and 3.69% increase to Sewer User fees and Septage charges.
The 2024 Additional Operating Requests and 2024 Capital Budget requests have been reduced to the approved amount at the Committee of the Whole.