The District of Sechelt received a grant provided by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for construction of bike lanes along Reef Road, Shoal Way and Lighthouse Avenue.

Sechelt received two grants to date for active transportation infrastructure, one is the BikeBC grant for on-street biking along Reef Road, Shoal Way and Kinnikinnick. The project was delayed due to the Covid 19 pandemic related issues but will be expedited for 2023 completion.

Current Status

Part of this project was completed in 2022 in conjunction with our Road Paving Program. This included widening to accommodate bike lanes on the west side of Lighthouse Avenue, the south side of Shoal Way, the south side of Link Road as well as widening a portion Reef Road. Pavement marking for these roads is scheduled for April 2023.

The tender process is currently underway to complete the rest of project. Completion is anticipated for June 30, 2023 if tender is received within available budget.

The Details

Reef Road

  1. Dedicated on-street bike lanes on both sides of the road, from Trail Ave to Marine Way.
  2. Multi-Use pathway on the west side of Reef Road from Marine Way to Links Road, and dedicated on-street bike lane from Marine Way to Shoal Way.
  3. Southbound bike lane diverges along Links Road and St Andrew’s Place. It was decided that due to the right of way and geographic constraints, it was not possible to safely direct two bike lanes along the hill.
  4. Existing sidewalk on east side between Trail Avenue and Marine Way for pedestrians and mid-block crosswalk to provide access on the west side for shared multi-use pathway up to Links Road as noted in the map.
  5. Existing pedestrian walkway continues from this point to Shoal Way.

Shoal Way

  1. Westbound on-street bike lane along the north side of Shoal Way from Reef Road to Fairway Ave.
  2. Westbound multi-use path along the north side of Shoal Way from Fairway to Lighthouse Ave.
  3. Existing pedestrian walkway will remain from Reef Road to multi-use path as shown in the map.

Lighthouse Ave

  1. Multi-use pathway along the east side (north bound) to the start of the sidewalk fronting Kinnikinnick Elementary School. On-street bike lane fronting the school.
  2. Dedicated on-street bike lane along the west side (south bound) from Shoal Way to end of Lighthouse Ave.